Yo Momma!
RoCkAbS8321: Iight I'm back had to take a second to give NadaChanceInHells Momma some dick
RoCkAbS8321: She was Mooing
NadaChancelnHell: damn dude, she didn't even make a sound. are you sure you got it in far enough?
RoCkAbS8321: Yeah the bitch is just to damn loose
RoCkAbS8321: Loose as a goose
NadaChancelnHell: still lame.
RoCkAbS8321: or is that buffalo
Jaycee5353: lol man seriously your not a funny guy
Jaycee5353: just face it throw in the towel save urself lol
RoCkAbS8321: Your so ugly your momma had to be drunk just to breast feed your ass
NadaChancelnHell: no shit. come up with something mildly original.
Jaycee5353: lol this dude is straight retarded lol
RoCkAbS8321: that is original you all are just too damn stupid to even get it
Jaycee5353: whats wrong with the poor child lol
RoCkAbS8321: you fuckin retards
NadaChancelnHell: haha...it was original when I heard it in seventh grade...but it's not original now.
RoCkAbS8321: oh well, that explains just how stupid you are
NadaChancelnHell: how?
NadaChancelnHell: I was in seventh grade 12 years ago.
NadaChancelnHell: I'm a big girl now.
RoCkAbS8321: wow you can count
NadaChancelnHell: yeah, amazing.
RoCkAbS8321: oh my god you are a girl
RoCkAbS8321: oh my god!!!!LOL
NadaChancelnHell: *stares*
RoCkAbS8321: Just how big are you? (MOOO?)
NadaChancelnHell: 468 lbs.
ArtificialRed Xx: niiice
NinerFire49: lol
RoCkAbS8321: Right? W/E
NadaChancelnHell: I'm totally hot.
RoCkAbS8321: Uh huh?
NadaChancelnHell: I need a fan.
ArtificialRed Xx: sexy biotch
RoCkAbS8321: You know what I aint bout to argue with a chick man! LOL That is Pathetic LOL Damn
NadaChancelnHell: weak
RoCkAbS8321: No Not Weak just no damn point to it
StLMale2004: its alot easier to just let them think they won lol
RoCkAbS8321: why argue when she doesnt even have enough brains to figure out what the joke means
StLMale2004: hey now aol chix are hot just ask one
NadaChancelnHell: haha
RoCkAbS8321: So You have some fun You wanna think you won it good for you go ahead what ever makes you feel special
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