February 19, 2005


OVIEDUDE88 [2:58 PM]: hello betsey
Betseylicious [2:58 PM]: hi moviedude.
MOVIEDUDE88 [2:59 PM]: how are u today ?
Betseylicious [2:59 PM]: I'm good, how are you?
MOVIEDUDE88 [2:59 PM]: bored lol
Betseylicious [2:59 PM]: why's that funny?
MOVIEDUDE88 [2:59 PM]: it isnt, so pick truth or dare
Betseylicious [2:59 PM]: truth.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:01 PM]: k, easy one for u, tell me what u look like from head to toe
Betseylicious [3:01 PM]: 5'3, thick, short reddish hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Betseylicious [3:01 PM]: ok your turn. truth or dare?
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:02 PM]: u sound nice, what is your breast size, are u clean shaven, what color are your toe nails lol ?
Betseylicious [3:02 PM]: I described myself to the extent I'm going to give. your turn. pick truth or dare.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:03 PM]: truth
Betseylicious [3:03 PM]: good choice.
Betseylicious [3:04 PM]: the truth is: you're annoyingly predictable and amazingly forgetful. Find a new approach, because this one sucks.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:04 PM]: the facts are u are boring and no fun
Betseylicious [3:05 PM]: nice try sweetheart.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:05 PM]: truth hurts
Betseylicious [3:05 PM]: doesn't it?
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:06 PM]: u tell me, what u said to me was bs
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:06 PM]: u show me another of the stupid guys on here who is creative enough to do what i do
Betseylicious [3:06 PM]: it wasn't. what I said to you is exactly what I think of you everytime I see you in my IM catcher.
Betseylicious [3:06 PM]: it's creative for a month or two.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:06 PM]: well maybe if u were fun, u could have fun
Betseylicious [3:06 PM]: you've been doing this for YEARS.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:07 PM]: we havent met have we ???
Betseylicious [3:07 PM]: I know how to have fun. you are not fun.
Betseylicious [3:07 PM]: no, we haven't.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:07 PM]: because u are not fun
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:07 PM]: nor spontaneous, or passionate
Betseylicious [3:07 PM]: ....right.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:07 PM]: i know i am
Betseylicious [3:07 PM]: great, then grab a new approach to meeting women. obviously this one hasn't worked out well.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:08 PM]: u have no idea, not all women are boring like u are
Betseylicious [3:08 PM]: then why do you continue to IM me?
Betseylicious [3:08 PM]: why do you initiate a conversation with me every few weeks?
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:08 PM]: maybe u will come around, there is hope for eveyone
Betseylicious [3:09 PM]: WITH THE SAME DAMN THING TO SAY?
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:09 PM]: u never answer me
Betseylicious [3:09 PM]: oh yes I do.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:09 PM]: breast size, are u clean shaven, what color are your toe nails
Betseylicious [3:10 PM]: yeah, women don't like to give out that information after talking to someone for three minutes.
Betseylicious [3:10 PM]: sorry, it's not a turn on for us.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:10 PM]: they do if they are not ashamed of their bodies
Betseylicious [3:10 PM]: I beg to differ.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:10 PM]: u are different
Betseylicious [3:10 PM]: you don't know women. you don't know what is attractive to women.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:11 PM]: u have no idea
Betseylicious [3:11 PM]: that's obvious because, well, you're still single, and still asking me the same god damn questions.
Betseylicious [3:11 PM]: take my advice.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:11 PM]: i want to be single,
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:11 PM]: and spend time with exciting women unlike yourself
Betseylicious [3:11 PM]: think of something NEW, be more polite, don't be as argumentative, and someone will like you.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:11 PM]: take my advice, get a personaility
Betseylicious [3:12 PM]: haha
Betseylicious [3:12 PM]: you're reaching.
Betseylicious [3:12 PM]: just close the IM and we will be done.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:12 PM]: enjoy your sorry existence
Betseylicious [3:12 PM]: I will, as long as you don't IM me again.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:12 PM]: i wouldnt waste my time
Betseylicious [3:13 PM]: but I know you will, and every time you do, you will end up on my blog, AGAIN.
MOVIEDUDE88 [3:13 PM]: i wont im u again, dont im me i like to talk to women with a pulse and passion
Betseylicious [3:14 PM]: I never initiate conversation with you.