He really wanted to win. That's so sweet.
Illnhphp [12:10 AM]: hey whats up
Illnhphp [12:10 AM]: do you want to trade pics
Betseylicious [12:11 AM]: nope
Illnhphp [12:12 AM]: well golly. thats just rude.
Illnhphp [12:12 AM]: my heavens
Betseylicious [12:12 AM]: how so?
Betseylicious [12:12 AM]: just because I don't send out my picture right away means I'm rude? I could say that you're rude for expecting me to comply.
Illnhphp [12:13 AM]: I was just jokin around. you thought I was serious after I said "golly" and "my heavens"?
Betseylicious [12:13 AM]: why wouldn't I?
Illnhphp [12:13 AM]: because nobody talks like that!!
Betseylicious [12:14 AM]: some people do.
Illnhphp [12:14 AM]: most people don't
Betseylicious [12:14 AM]: but some do.
Illnhphp [12:15 AM]: and its safe to say that since most people don't than the odds are that somebody wouldn't be serious if they talked that way.
Illnhphp [12:15 AM]: boom. I win.
Betseylicious [12:15 AM]: I don't expect people to act a certain way just because most people do.
Illnhphp [12:16 AM]: thats what you should expect. Does the sun usually come out?
Illnhphp [12:16 AM]: usually people act a certain way
Betseylicious [12:16 AM]: so I should expect what you expect just because you think I should?
Illnhphp [12:17 AM]: no you should expect what everybody else expects because there is a reason behind why people have those expectations.
Betseylicious [12:18 AM]: that's not the way the world works, sugar.
Betseylicious [12:18 AM]: if everyone did everything the same way, it would be boring.
Illnhphp [12:19 AM]: nobody does everything exactly the same way but there are what people call "norms" of society. Norms are the behavior that a large group of people tend to all exhibit and therefore understand.
Betseylicious [12:20 AM]: I don't like norms of society.
Betseylicious [12:20 AM]: there are exceptions, you know.
Betseylicious [12:20 AM]: I don't exhibit the same behavior as most people in some aspects.
Illnhphp [12:21 AM]: you don't have to like norms but that doesn't meant that you don't know they exist. If you saw somebody doing something that was much different from what you are used to seeing than you would know that it was breaking a norm.
Illnhphp [12:21 AM]: mean*
Betseylicious [12:23 AM]: DUDE. I don't expect people to act a certain way just because most people do. I know there are norms of society, and I tend to behave the same as many of them. however, there are exceptions.
Illnhphp [12:24 AM]: so how do you know when somebody is being sarcastic then?
Betseylicious [12:25 AM]: if I know someone, and know they wouldn't normally act that way, I would know they are being sarcastic. I'm not saying that there aren't norms of society, I'm saying that NOT EVERYONE conforms to them.
Illnhphp [12:26 AM]: yeah I know NOT EVERYONE conforms to them. I konw that there are exceptions. you are saying that you would have to know someone to know they are being sarcastic though.
Betseylicious [12:26 AM]: yes, I would.
Betseylicious [12:27 AM]: therefore, since I don't know you, I did'nt know that you were being sarcastic.
Betseylicious [12:27 AM]: are we finished now?
Illnhphp [12:27 AM]: sure. but I think you would know if I was being sarcastic if I said something else. I just don't think you picked up on what I said and thought I was serious.
Betseylicious [12:28 AM]: you're right.
Illnhphp [12:28 AM]: I know.
Betseylicious [12:28 AM]: that's what I've been trying to say.
Illnhphp [12:28 AM]: so..........
Illnhphp [12:28 AM]: can I see a pic?
Betseylicious [12:28 AM]: no.
Illnhphp [12:29 AM]: well golly. thats just rude.
Betseylicious [12:29 AM]: nah, I just dont' like you.
Illnhphp [12:30 AM]: my heavens
Betseylicious [12:30 AM]: I'm honest.
Illnhphp [12:30 AM]: don't you have to know someone not to like them?
Betseylicious [12:31 AM]: I've been observing, and you get on my nerves. I know you enough to not like you.
Illnhphp [12:32 AM]: you observed enough to know that when I was being sarcastic the first time you should have known that I was being sarcastic the second time when I said the same EXACT thing. you are just slow.
Illnhphp [12:32 AM]: bye.
Betseylicious [12:32 AM]: I DID know you were being sarcastic.
Illnhphp [12:32 AM]: no you didnt
Betseylicious [12:33 AM]: I didn't respond to it because I was quite finished arguing with you.
Illnhphp [12:33 AM]: I observed enough to know that you were lying
Betseylicious [12:33 AM]: maybe you should pay more attention.
Illnhphp [12:33 AM]: maybe you should ride the shorter bus to school
Betseylicious [12:33 AM]: maybe you should admit when you're wrong.
Illnhphp [12:34 AM]: maybe I have disproved every point you tried to make
Betseylicious [12:34 AM]: have you?
Illnhphp [12:34 AM]: because they all had no validity
Betseylicious [12:34 AM]: I haven't noticed.
Illnhphp [12:34 AM]: thats cause you are slow. we went over this.
Betseylicious [12:34 AM]: all right, if that's all you have to say to make yourself feel that you're correct, then we're finished.
Illnhphp [12:35 AM]: I have disproven every point you made
Betseylicious [12:35 AM]: I'm finished with you...
Illnhphp [12:35 AM]: its ok to be wrong dont worry about it
Illnhphp [12:35 AM]: you lost one
Betseylicious [12:35 AM]: I'm finished with you.
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