November 12, 2005

Motorcyclist with a Deathwish-This is for You.

This is for all of you motorcycle lovers out there. Specifically, the one who cut me off today. Yes, you, the one wearing the black and yellow Chitwood Construction jacket on a red motorcycle driving eastbound on Manchester Road at approximately 1:30 this afternoon. You don't seem to realize that when you get into an accident with a car, no matter how small of a car, you are the one who will die. You are a Real Man of Genius.

Today we salute you, Mr. Motorcyclist With A Deathwish.
(Mr. Motorcyclist With A Deathwish)
It's hard enough to clean bug guts off the front end of a car, so why not cut someone off and risk spreading your own guts all over their front bumper?
(That will take a lot of Rain-X)
You're forty-five years old and going through a mid-life crisis, and that makes it absolutely necessary to make everyone on the road a nervous wreck around you.
(Whoa! Did you see that wheelie?)
To show you're not afraid to weave in and out of traffic at high speeds with a helmet as your only protection, you put on your shades to make sure you look cooool doing it.
(Vrroooom, VRROOOMM)
So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, O King of the Crotch Rocket, but hide it from the next cop who pulls you over.
(I haven't been drinkin', occifer.)