Deep Thoughts
Have you ever doubted your sanity? Every once in a while, I'll wonder if I'm the only one really living in the world I know as normal. You've heard of people who, sadly, literally live in their own world, completely oblivious to everything around them. Sometimes I wonder if I'm one of those people. When I was in elementary school, I used to be a little paranoid that I was crazy and I had the ability to levitate. I'd be getting on the bus for school with all the other kids at my stop, and I'd think maybe we really had the day off, and I'm the only one riding the bus that isn't actually there, therefore floating to school. Today I had a little of that same paranoia. I thought maybe I'm only imaging that I'm a mother, going through the daily actions of taking care of a baby that isn't there. Right now, I'm listening to that same baby fussing while he's trying to go to sleep in his crib. Hopefully, I'm not crazy. And hopefully, no one thinks I'm crazy after reading this.
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